JV Striders represent at Paterno Family 5K Run
The Juniata Valley Striders sent eight of it’s runner to compete in the Paterno Family 5 K at Penn State University on Sunday April 24th. The race raises money for the Special Olympics. 1,133 runners finished the 5K Race with the Striders Levi Zeiders 28th in 21:01, Aiden Scavetti 46th in 21:59, Hoyt Rodenbaugh 55th in 22:19, Evan Yaukey 79th in 23:21, Cohan Bush 84th in 23:28, Graydon Cunningham 92nd in 23:49, Camryn Treaster 120th in 24:37, and Collin Otero 463rd in 32:24. We were impressed with the kids performances today, though we had an idea through testing and workouts they would do well. To have six kids so young finish in the top 100 is amazing for a small country club.