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CPW – Does it again; Brings the heat to Lewistown

LEWISTOWN – During the summer’s sizzling heat, the recent Central Pennsylvania WRestling event should have been named — The Return!
In the ring after a long hiatus was fan favorite Flex Wheeler.
Wheeler teamed up with legendary CPW Icon Mark Mest in tag action.
Also returning to action was the longtime style setters, the 80’s team with the arrival of Petey Noxious. Noxious has been out of action for a short stretch of time.
The biggest return came when tag champions (Rob Noxious and Bulldog  James Dylan) went up against Big man Malcom King and his partner Tyler Symz (Backlash).
After losing the title to Backlash, Rob Noxious and Bulldog renewed and returned to renewing their previous rivalry. Both men were angered and battled outside before being broke apart.
In the opening match, newcomer Mr.Touchdown went up against another Newcomer in Usurper.
Scoring a touchdown in his first match, Mr. Touchdown won by a pinfall.
Mean Mark Mest and mystery partner, Flex Wheeler went head-to-head against the surprise return of the 80’s team. After a long battle in the ring, the four men took it out on the floor and we’re all counted out.
Tommy Hourglass had his handful as he took on high flying little man, Joey Blaze.
On this night, Blaze’s high flying Ariel maneuvers were too much for Hourglass as Blaze pinned Hourglass.
Returning to the ring after a battle with cancer Richie Riot showed that he is going to be a force to be reckoned with, defeating the big man Mikey Wrath.
Riot upset Wrath as he jumped off the top rope and in for the pin.
Newcomers all seemed to have a successful night as Mr. Ping went head-to-head with Captain Damian.
Pong got the win in a quick match.
In match 6, The star spangled newcomer, Josh Oburn won one for the fans as he took it to CH3.
In the main event, CPW heavyweight champion Chris Rush defended his title successfully against former champ Ed House.

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