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Eckley launches game winner in extras

By Kenny Varner

Eleana Eckley for two.
A phrase that has been used many times for the Mifflin County basketball player during the winter season.
However, its spring but the same phrase was used in probably the most exciting way one can use it.
Meaning, Eckley was clutch under pressure Wednesday as she capped a three-run eighth inning en route to a nailbiting 3-2 extra inning victory over Cumberland Valley in the Huskies Mid-Penn opener.
Hannah Kanagy picked up the hard fought victory as she scattered four hits.
Two of those hits came from the dangerous bat of Eagles’ slugger Katie Wingert, who had a double and a 2-run homer.
Senior Eagles ace Jennifer Hanshaw was tough early on as her and Kanagy went stride for stride until the final run, where she was the hard luck loser.
With the game entering the eighth tied with zeros across the board, Cumberland Valley drew first blood as it got a lift from the number three hitter in the line up.
With two quick outs in the inning, Alyssa Flanagan roped a seemingly harmless single into left centerfield. After almost blasting a home run earlier, Wingart took a Kanagy offering deep over the wall in right center, ending the scoreless contest at 2-0.
Mifflin County tightened up its defense and got the final out but they still trailed by a 2-0 margin with a tough pitcher on the mound.
Call the Lady Huskies the Cardiac Kids as they refused to let the contest slip away.
Selena Breneman got the inning off and running when she singled to center.
Maxie Johnson joined Breneman on base as she walked, putting runners on first and second.
Lead-off batter Maddie Amspacker took one for the team and layed down a picture perfect sacrifice bunt, advancing the runners to second and third with only one out.
Darcy Wilson cut the Eagles’ lead to one singling in Breneman, making it 2-1.
With runners on the corners, one swing changed the outcome. Eckley took a pitch and blasted into the gap in center that allowed Johnson and Wilson to score in walk off fashion.
With the win, Mifflin County improved to. 2-0 on the young season.
Mifflin County had its chances in both the sixth and seventh inning but stranded runners on third both times.
But it was not going to happen in the eighth as Eckley refused to let it happen.

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