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HWF GENESIS takes over Lewistown Saturday

Photo by Dawn Kerstetter

LEWISTOWN – What better way to start the new year than with some exciting pro wrestling action and the people of the HWF certainly did not disappoint as the Honorary Wrestling Federation returned to the Lewistown Community Center for Genesis Saturday night.

One of the big storylines going into the show was the family drama featuring the Silks brothers Matt and Chuck along with promoter and wife of TRK Trista.

Matt was continuing his quest to become the HWF Heavyweight Champion after his defeat against Sicend back in Summerfest 21 in controversial fashion and was looking for a rematch. However, Promoter Trista Silks informed him that if he wanted to get a shot at the HWF Heavyweight title, he would have to earn it.

If that weren’t enough, the first opponent on that list was none other than big brother Chuck who was out to prove who the better of the Silks brothers was. The match itself was not for the faint of heart as both Matt and Chuck quickly took what was meant to be a wrestling match into an all out brawl. Whether it was inside the ring or outside, the Silks brothers were making very strong cases as to who was better of the two.

However, as the match was drawing to a close, it had appeared things were going too far as a wounded Chuck was down on the mat looking up at his younger brother before Matt proceeded to fire off a big knee into the face of Chuck dropping him down to the mat. Chuck appeared unconscious, but that didn’t stop Matt who looked as though he was possession and threw another knee to the head of Chuck forcing official and family friend Rodney who then called for the bell to end the match.

But the fireworks didn’t stop there as Rodney pushed Matt away from Chuck and tried to get him to calm down. Eventually Rodney quit on the spot after feeling disgusted with Matt before fists started to fly between the two of them all over the ring.

Before things got too out of hand, a mysterious new “Business Partner” of HWF made his debut at the show and his name was Phil Stamper. Stamper was able to convince Matt to stop before any more harm could be done. Eventually cooler heads did prevail as TRK quickly apologized to his friends, his family and the fans of HWF and promised to overcome this and become the new HWF champion.

Another major storyline for the evening was the continued dominance of the group known as Riot City. In the main event of the night, the first ever HWF champion Sicend was defending his title against the unpredictable Michael Amaydo.

The unorthodox style of Amaydo kept the champ guessing as anytime that Sicend was able to cut Amaydo off, Sicend would be caught off guard with another unusual attack by Amaydo. But the champ still had plenty tricks up his sleeves as his posse arrived and appeared as though was trying to give Sicend a weapon to use against Amaydo. However the official caught them red handed or so the people thought. While the referee was distracted with one weapon, Sicend grabbed another one and blasted Amaydo in the face and managed to retain the HWF Heavyweight title.

That was just one of two title matches that featured Riot City as Ron Holiday and Jason Drake were featured in a triple threat tag team match to see who would become the first ever HWF Tag Team Champions.

The other two teams included Rob Myers and Steve Gasbar together known as the Lost Bros as well the duo of Crazy Shea and Alura O’Shea aka 2 Crazy.

The match itself may as well have been a four on two handicap match as the Lost Bros and Riot City were ganging up on 2 Crazy. At one point in the match, both teams isolated Alura and were wearing her down looking for the quick win. But Alura continued to showcase a powerful drive to win and continued to battle until she managed to make the tag to bring in Crazy.

Crazy Shea went off taking on all comers and appeared as though he single handedly was going to win the match for his team. But unfortunately while Crazy wowed the crowd with an incredible moonsault to the outside of the ring taking out the Lost Bros, he left his partner Alura alone in the ring with Riot City and Holiday and Drake capitalized on the opportunity and scored the pinfall to be crowned the first ever HWF Tag Team Champions and completing the championship sweep for Riot City.

There were plenty of other controversial moments during the show, one of which included a street fight rematch between Edward James and Eric Hammel from their match from Summerfest where Hammel came out on top.

Right from the beginning there was plenty of interesting decisions being made as the evil Mr. Marks made a surprise appearance and was named the official for the match. If that was hard enough for Hammel, Captain Decapitate had already come out to the ring with James and was going to be at ringside as well.

With the odds stacked against him, Hammel continued to fight against James and since it was a street fight, Hammel used everything but the kitchen sink against James. Hammel even got a couple fans to help participate in the mayhem.

Sadly it wasn’t enough as James caught him in a submission hold where at first Hammel appeared to try and get him in a pinning situation, only to have James counter again into a rear naked choke. Hammel tried to escape the submission hold but before he could, Mr. Marks had called for the bell giving James a “submission” victory.

There were plenty of debuts for HWF as well for the night as the Top Dawg Alan Clabaugh debuted against another wrestler who was also making his debut in the form of Van Williams. Williams made it clear his disgust of the HWF fanbase and brought plenty of heat to keep the whole building warm from the freezing temperatures from the outside.

But Williams’ cocky attitude was his own undoing as Clabaugh caught him napping with a big move and secured the win in his debut match.

Another wrestler that was making his debut for HWF was the villainous Darian Carter who went up against the returning crowd favorite Red Dawg. Carter was trying to use his technical prowess to slowly tear Red Dawg apart. But Red Dawg was able to overpower Carter to pick up the one, two, three.

The big debut though for the show was that Lewistown was celebrating one of their own as Rayic Scott was looking to make his debut with an interview. At least that was what everyone thought at first. Andrew Loveless appeared and made it clear that he was not happy that he was not mentioned in the show and wanted respect. Scott then walked to the ring and proceeded to give Loveless that respect. And by respect I mean giant boot to the face of Loveless leaving him out cold in the ring to the roar of the hometown crowd.

A fun celebration did occur at the Genesis show as the people of HWF celebrated the birthday of one Captain Decapitate. As the fans were giving him their birthday wishes, Mr. TRK himself snuck up from behind and got a well placed shot to the face of the Captain with the birthday cake.

I hope and pray that everyone had a good time during the HWF Genesis show and fear not pro wrestling fans, there will be plenty more where that came from.

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