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HWF ‘Rises up’ to new heights at the Lewistown Community Center

By Josh Yoder
Despite having to face heavy winds and a snow storm, nothing was going to stop the wrestlers and fans of the HWF from having a good time for their Rise Up show Saturday night at the Lewistown Community Center.
The show began with the leader of Riot City, Sicend along with Ron Holiday and Jason Drake. Sicend recently was injured and came out to the ring to address the situation.
But then HWF Promoter Trista Silks along with business associate Phil Stamper appeared and demanded that Sicend hand over the title since he could not defend the belt for the seeing future.
At first, Sicend was hesitating to hand over the belt, but eventually the leader of Riot City surrendered the championship. But Sicend left the higher ups with a warning, and that was he did not need the belt to be a somebody in this company.
And Sicend most certainly lived up to his promise as during the main event of the evening as Matt “TRK” Silks went one on one with former friend turned bitter enemy RD Mosh.
As the match was coming to a conclusion, Riot City appeared and stood by ringside catching the eye of Mosh who tried to remove them from the match. But Silks caught him on the top turnbuckle and dropped Mosh onto the mat and picked up the one, two, three.
Afterwards TRK cut a promo making amends with his friend and thanking the crowd for being at the show.
That was not the only big moment for Riot City for the evening as the duo of Drake and Holiday were defending their tag team titles against Alan Clabaugh and Sage Matthews aka the Dawg Nation.
The match itself was full of double team move as both teams displayed excellent teamwork and matched one another move for move. But ultimately it was Riot City who managed to retain the HWF Tag Titles.
That was just one of three championship matches for the night, as the first title match came in the form of Vam Williams who was defending his King of Queens Championship against Lewistown’s own Eric Hammel.
The match itself was fast and definitely furious as another one shot could make the difference in the match. And it was Vam who connected with that big shot as Williams dropped Hammel with a massive super kick and climbed to the top for a frog splash to retain the title.
Hammel though came back for more as later on in the show, Hammel interrupted Chuck Silks who is in the middle of a promo which Chuck showed his appreciation with right hook to jaw of Hammel which prompted Edwards James to come out and challenge Chuck to a match.
Hammel would get his revenge however as he distracted the referee and allowed James to sneak in with a low blow and get the pin.
The third and final title fight had the fans seeing red as Red Dawg was set to defend his Kayfabe Junkies Championship against the Red Prince Tjay Sykes.
Sykes gave it his best shot, but ultimately failed to keep up with the unorthodox style of Red Dawg who remained champion.
There was also a big debut for HWF as Ravic Scott and Andrew Loveless were finally going to throw down after their confrontation back at the Genesis show.
After some hard hitting action, Scott dropped Loveless and came out victorious in his debut match up.
Future of what will happen with the HWF championship is unknown but fear not HWF fans, promoter Trista Silks will soon make an announcement on what is in store for the main prize in the HWF.
We hope you guys enjoyed the show and pray that everyone got home safely. Until next time wrestling fans.
Ravic Scot def. Andrew Loveless
Vam Williams def. Eric Hammel
Tag Team
Riot City def. Dawg Nation
Edward James def. Chuck Silks
Red Dawg def. Tjay Sykes
Main Event
Matt “TRK” Silks def. RD Mosh

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