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Archive: Fran Fisher January 2014 Commentary

About a month ago I attended a meeting with the hierarchy of this publication.  I wanted to discuss the concern I have about my “stuff” being old news by the time the magazine reaches the readers. The suggestion was made that I do a commentary piece, so here goes.  But remember it wasn’t my idea!

On December 31, 2013, Bill O’Brien picked up a PSU paycheck in excess of $800,000! Now his reported NFL head coaching deal is five years, $25million.  He will not have to find the food stamp dispensing agency in Houston, Texas!

I can’t talk about the new Penn state football coach since he hasn’t been hired as I write this. You’re going to have to indulge me as I beat the dead horse!

Who would want to leave Happy Valley? Apparently Bill O’Brien. Why? Well, with his frustration mounting because of the state of the University Administration (no new president in sight) and an Athletic Department with no permanent athletic director plus other key positions unfilled; with a lifetime dream of becoming a head coach in the NFL becoming a reality; with family well-being always a top priority with OB; with the proximity of first-class medical facilities, researchers and practitioners in the Houston area (no reflection on Penn State’s superb Hershey Medical Center but it’s not just around the block) combined with the serious condition of son Jack …. Had enough?

Final thoughts.  The job Bill O’Brien did during his two-year tenure at Penn State was nothing short of astounding and we Penn Staters should be appreciative of that.  So …thank you Bill.

Oh, one more thing. I think it’s well-documented that I’ve been an O’Brien advocate from day one. That’s why I wish I hadn’t read Dave Jones’ recent Pennlive piece in which he was quoted: “I really don’t give a …. what the ‘Paterno people’ think about what I do with this program…” Hey Bill. Not that it matters, but please count me as one of those “Paterno people” who still care about Joe and the program he gave 60 years of his life to.  Enough.  Good luck, Bill, to you, Colleen, Jack, and Michael. God speed.

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