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At Bat for Liv organization looking for teams for Annual Softball Tournament

This year the At Bat for Liv tournament will be honoring Hannah Johns. Hannah is the daughter of Tyler and Jamie Johns .

Hannah was born with TAPVR, a congenital heart defect affecting her pulmonary veins. Upon further genetic testing, it was discovered her heart defect was caused by cat eye syndrome, a rare genetic disorder involving an extra copy of her 22nd chromosome. As a result of her syndrome, Hannah has to see the following specialists: cardiology for potential scarring of her heart, ophthalmology to monitor the coloboma in her eye, genetics to track the clinical presentation of her syndrome, a neonatal clinic to monitor her milestones, progress, and intellectual abilities, ENT due to vocal cord paralysis and thickened feeds, plastics/vascular anomalies for her hemangiomas and sub-mucous cleft palate, and physical therapy for low muscle tone and strength. Despite her initial challenges and further complications caused by her cat eye syndrome, Hannah continues to thrive and is a happy and active baby. She loves her big brother Matthew and her daddy the most, and is always happy to show off her toothy grin.

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