Coffey finished 20th at D6 XC championships

Courtesy of Neil Breneman
REEDSVILLE – The Mifflin County Lady Huskies competed in the District 6 Cross Country Championships on Saturday, October 28. Amilia Coffey led the team coming in 20th place at 21:49. Ava Kratzer was second crossing the line with her second best time of the season at 23:05.
The weather in the low 60’s was quite a difference from last year’s 30 degrees. I am not sure how much running in warmer weather impacted today’s performances. I know quite a number of the girls were hoping for better times than they had. I encouraged them to celebrate the progress they made throughout the season, which was quite remarkable.
We put a lot of emphasis on this race because it’s what we train for all season. The reality still exists, however, that when you race it’s often up and down. You have bad races, you have mediocre races, and every now and then you go out feeling good and have a great race. It’s an endurance sport which is needed not only in the race, but throughout the season with all of those “ups and downs”. I am proud of every one of their accomplishments, the experience they have gained, and the memories we were able to create. We have a young team and I hope they are able to return next season using their experience and momentum to have another great season.
Scoring for the Lady Huskies (place):
Amila Coffey (20)- 21:49
Ava Kratzer (30)- 23:05
Mary Kanagy (39)- 24:41
Caroline Palopoli (40)- 24:46
Kahlen McCracken (43)- 25:33